What Is The Scarcity In Economics?

Scarcity is one of the key concepts of economics. It means that the demand for a good or service is greater than the availability of the good or service. Therefore, scarcity can limit the choices available to the consumers who ultimately make up the economy. What is scarcity in economics with example? In economics, scarcity … Read more

When Was The Ganga Action Plan Initiated?

The works of started with the launching of the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase-I in the year 1985. Subsequently, GAP Phase-II was initiated which included the works on the major tributaries of the river Ganga, namely, Yamuna, Gomti and Damodar. When was the Ganga Action plan was started? The Ganga Action Plan was initiated by … Read more

What Is The Purpose Of Thought?

Thinking allows humans to make sense of, interpret, represent or model the world they experience, and to make predictions about that world. It is therefore helpful to an organism with needs, objectives, and desires as it makes plans or otherwise attempts to accomplish those goals. What is thought process? Thought processes are a type of … Read more

What Trade Policy Did Thomas Jefferson Favor?

Thomas Jefferson wanted a federal economy that was “rigorously frugal and simple.” He believed in states’ rights and envisioned states being able to run their own economies with minimal interference from the federal government. He wished to maximize individual autonomy so that people could keep the profits they made. What kind of economic policy did … Read more

What Is The Primary Difference Between Socialism And Capitalism?

Capitalism is based on individual initiative and favors market mechanisms over government intervention, while socialism is based on government planning and limitations on private control of resources. What are three major differences between capitalism and socialism? Basis for Comparison Capitalism Socialism Basis Principle of Individual Rights Principle of Equality Advocates Innovation and individual goals Equality … Read more

Who Created Dystopian Literature?

A modern literary genre, the dystopia, was invented by Yevgeny Zamyatin in his novel My (1924; We), which could be published only abroad. Like Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four, which are modeled on it, We describes a future socialist society that has turned out to… Who is the father of … Read more

Who Created A Vast Legal Code For The Empire?

In approximately 1771, BCE, Hammurabi, king of the Babylonian Empire, decreed a set of laws to every city-state to better govern his bourgeoning empire. Known today as the Code of Hammurabi, the 282 laws are one of the earliest and more complete written legal codes from ancient times. Who gave Hammurabi the Code of laws? … Read more

Who Created One Of The First Calendars?

The old Roman year had 304 days divided into 10 months, beginning with March. However the ancient historian Livy gave credit to the second early Roman king Numa Pompilius for devising a calendar of 12 months. The extra months Ianuarius and Februarius had been invented, supposedly by Numa Pompilius, as stop-gaps. When was the first … Read more

What Is Unique About African Geography?

Africa is sometimes nicknamed the “Mother Continent” due to its being the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. … Africa, the second-largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is divided in half almost equally by the Equator. What’s unique about Africa? 1) AFRICA IS … Read more